Council Officers
Columbian Year 2023-24

A word of note, the 22/23 officers agreed to maintain their positions and were confirmed by election. Good news for the web editor as he did not have to change this page.

Grand Knight Steve L. Hutton
Deputy Grand KnightHenry J. Sanchez
ChaplainFr. German Ramos
Financial SecretaryGregory E. Bates, PGK, FDD
TreasurerJames T. Bruggeman, PGK
Chancellor David C. Christian
Advocate Ronald W. Ullman
WardenSalvatore J. Camera
RecorderBruce I. Marshall
Trustee 3rd Michael H. Britton Sr., PGK
Trustee 2ndChris M. Martin, PGK
Trustee 1stJeffrey L. Bible, PGK
Inside Guard Andy V. Anderson
Outside GuardFermin M. Rodriquez
Historian /
Newsletter Editor
 James Cupido, PGK

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